June 7, 2015

Our Summer So Far

Holding her little invisible chick.
Making paper slippers.

 Learning to climb trees.

Free mustaches on pizza boxes.

Making weird faces.
 Making plaster animals with Daddy just like Daddy used to do with Grandpa.
 Being a model.
 Pretending to be a coat rack (a la Morris the moose)

Stretching, and making weird faces.

Playing with and holding Baby Hem-a-wee.
 Going to Stockton Lake.

Discovering simple joys like a flashlight in the dryer.

Reading (really and truly reading!) to Baby Henry when he was sad.
Sleeping.  Yes.  Like that. 

Discovering that life is FUN!

 Stealing our hearts.
Over and over again, stealing our hearts.

 Being adorable.
Do we have to say it?  Adorable, yet again.

Getting surprises while you're sleeping from big bro Andrew.  (A hat, a pillow, an extra blanket, and a sweet note.)
A very sweet note.

Popsicles on a hot summer day.

No need to hide. Popsicles are for everyone.

Playing in the sprinkler!

Some of us were a little wary of the water.

Definitely wary.
He preferred to just eat watermelon instead.

Definitely didn't want to get in the sprinkler.

1 comment:

Mom said...

You've really been busy. It looks like the kids are getting a good start to their summer.